2024-2025 School Year

Wee Folk Forest Kindergarten Classes

Schedule & Tuition Options

All families may choose morning, afternoon or dual classes (full days), or a combination. Minimum of 2 morning classes, maximum of 5 dual classes.**

All school-year classes are located at Wee Folk Forest in East Boulder.

Our relationship-focused ratio is 5 children to 1 teacher.

2024-2025 School Year runs from August 19, 2024 through May 23, 2025

Morning Arrival Time is a Flexible Window Between 8:30 and 9am

**1 class per week option is offered to all families experiencing financial hardship or scheduling challenges. ________________________________________________________________________

Enrollment Fee: $200 per child

Work Day Commitment Fee: $150 per family (refunded with your attendance at our two annual work days)

Tuition Deposits: $750 per child due: #1 at time of enrollment, #2 on July 1, 2024

Monthly Payments* are due for 10 months: August 2024-May 2025 (*All prices listed are with tuition deposits applied.)

Annual Payments made by August 1, 2024 receive a 2% Discount

Morning Classes (8:30am-12:00pm)           Afternoon Classes (12:00pm-3:30pm)

2 mornings: $361 per month 2 afternoons: $361 per month

3 mornings: $616 per month 3 afternoons: $616 per month

4 mornings: $872 per month 4 afternoons: $872 per month

5 mornings: $1127 per month 5 afternoons: $1127 per month

Dual Classes (Full Days 8:30am-3:30pm)            

2 full days: $657 per month

3 full days: $1060 per month

4 full days: $1464 per month                                  

5 full days: $1867 per month

Classes are offered in 5 week sessions, excepting our Dec/Jan session which totals 6 weeks. See our Program and Tuition Agreement to select your child’s classes. Each class session will be broken down into week-by-week blocks, complete with provocations, investigations, curiosities and reflection tools.

We offer rolling admission throughout the school year, as long as we have space. For program enrollment after August 19, 2024, please contact us for your adjusted (prorated) pricing.

Morning Class Sessions

Session One (Aug-Sept 2024): Increasing Body Awareness

Session Two (Sept-Oct 2024): Exploring our Five Senses

Session Three (Nov-Dec 2024): Building with Natural Materials

Session Four (Dec-Jan 2024-25): Weather

Session Five (Feb-Mar 2025): Make a Museum of Natural Artifacts

Session Six (Mar-Apr 2025): Solids vs. Liquids

Session Seven (Apr-May 2025): All About the Pond

Afternoon Class Sessions

Session One (Aug-Sept 2024): Bugs and Where They Live

Session Two (Sept-Oct 2024): Creatures That Fly

Session Three (Nov-Dec 2024): Beauty in Nature

Session Four (Dec-Jan 2024-25): Intro to Hand Tools

Session Five (Feb-Mar 2025): Habitats

Session Six (Mar-Apr 2025): Colorado Plant Life

Session Seven (Apr-May 2025): Springtime Magic

Please Read Our Philosophy & Approach Here

Due to licensing requirements, our program is structured as single-subject offerings for children ages 2 1/2 to 6. Please see above for the class sessions we are offering for the 2024-2025 school year. In keeping with the pedagogy of approaches such as Reggio Emilia and democratic free schools, we value the voice of the child and will always incorporate their brilliant and naturally emerging curiosities into all class curriculum. When offered rich provocations, children naturally lean into the questions we are all asking, and in this way we build upon concepts, allowing learning to emerge. Curiosity is the guide, and we believe nature is the best teacher.

An important aspect of our program are the monthly community events which bring us together through the various seasons of the year. We ask that our forest families make every effort to come to each community event, so we may give a message to our children about the importance of slowing down and spending time together, in community, in nature.

2024-2025 Calendar of Monthly Community Events

2024-2025 Program & Tuition Agreement

Pay Enrollment Fee, Work Day Commitment Fee & Tuition Deposits Online

2024-2025 Parent Tot (ages 0 to 2 1/2) Forest Play Group Information