ROLLING ADMISSION Open for the 2022/2023 School Year
Please join us for a prospective family participatory visit at our school year location at Wee Folk Forest in East Boulder. We offer participatory family visits from 9:15-10:15am most days. You can schedule your visit by emailing us.
Want to read a parent perspective on what it's like at Wee Folk Forest Kindergarten? Click here.
Check out this sweet video about our special school!
"I’m so grateful you were inspired to create such a lovely environment for our little ones. They will grow tremendously in a positive way for life because of your influence. I can see in our son's language the sweet things he learns at school through the teachers. Speaking of his “heart” and focusing on the positive (not all the time of course!). He even sings the songs you guys sing, and joins me when I sing now pretty regularly. He asks to go bird watching and loves the outdoors without the hesitation he had in the past. We truly consider you and the teachers as an extension of our family.", Forest K Parent
Join our list of Prospective Families by emailing us using the form below:
“Children are multisensory, physical beings. The younger the child, the more the child learns through sensory and physical activity. The variety and richness of natural settings— the wind, the sky, the changing clouds, the moving animals, the cycling plants, the hardness of rocks, the flow of water, the varieties of colors and sounds, the wide range of permitted behaviors— shouting and running and climbing— all contribute to physical, cognitive, and emotional development more than manufactured indoor environments typically can or do. ”